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Barks-Gemälde von 1975

© Disney

   Compleat Golfer


© Disney

   Dude For A Day


© Disney

   I Found It, I Keep It


© Disney

   Miser's Hangup


© Disney

   The Old Money


© Disney

   Rug Rider's Last


© Disney

   Far Out Safari


© Disney

   Bankers Salad


© Disney

   Time Wasters


© Disney

   Mayday on the Prairie


© Disney

   Unsafe Vehicle


© Disney

   Cave of the Minotaur


© Disney

   Business Long Overdue


© Disney

   Hands Off My Plaything


© Disney

   Oh, Oh!


© Disney

   Buyer Beware


© Disney

   She Was Spangled
   And Flashy


© Disney

   Menace From The


© Disney

   The Expert


© Disney

   Lake of Gold


© Disney

   Golden Cities Of Cibola


© Disney

   Rumble Seat Roadster


© Disney

   Gifts For Shacktown


© Disney

   Golden Christmas Tree
